Oh, my.
Sarah says: I think I will fix Isabelle's bangs tonight because they are uneven and long.
Sarah thinks: I cut Nick's hair last week and it turned out great.
Nick says: Okay.
Nick thinks: Okay
(cut cut trim trim whack rip saw)
Sarah says: Oops.
Sarah thinks: Oh, crap. I can't send her to daycare like this. They'll call the child abuse hotline on me. The kids will make fun of her. She'll come home crying. Oh, crap.
Nick says: oops what?
Nick thinks: oops what?
Sarah says: Hmmm, it doesn't look too bad.
Sarah thinks: She looks like Joe Dirt. Oh, this is not a good thing. (sweating)
Nick says: What did you do? Sarah. (over exaggerated sigh)
Nick thinks: After what she did to my hair last week I don't even want to know what's going on in that bathroom.
Sarah says: It'll grow. Right?
Sarah thinks: Oh please Lord let it grow fast.
Nick says: Sarah, that looks awful.
Nicks thinks: Sarah that looks awful but I love you anyway.
Isabelle says: Mommy cutta my hair. Pretty.
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