If you aren't a parent let me clue you into a few secrets. When you become a parent, nothing else is as important as your child. When they cry, you are all they want. When they are happy, you are the one they share that joy with. When they are being stinkers, you are the one that has to discipline them. When you go on a vacation without them, all you can think about is how they'll run into your arms when you return. When they go to school, you worry about them non-stop even though you trust who they are with. When they come home you cook them dinner and you actually like pleasing them with their favorite meal. When you sit on the floor and try so hard to pretend play with them, they are ecstatic, even if you are a terrible pretend player. Christmas becomes 10x as fun as when you were a kid. Birthdays are fabulous too. I often wonder who I was before I was a parent. I can honestly tell you that I don't know. I can't imagine having been alive without her. I can't imagine having to live without her. Those are the few things I learned in the past 2 1/2 years of being a parent. And I know I have much more to look forward to.
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