Monday, June 19, 2006

Disney World

Tonight Isabelle was getting ready to watch Tarzan and came running into the kitchen at full speed to get Nick.

"Daddy, daddy, come here. Now. "

"What is it Isabelle?"

The previews to Tarzan had an advertisement to Disney World (land) I still don't know which b/c I never got to go (no bad feelings dad!) .

"Daddy, I want to go there!!!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, and I can even hold Mickey Mouses hand!"

Nothing is better than seeing that kind of joy! Now if anyone would like to donate money for us to go, we'll take it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


For those of you who dont' know, last summer we had a miscarriage. During that time we found out that I have a genetic disorder caller Factor 5 Leiden Mutation. It causes my blood to clot during pregnancy which is what caused me to have Pre-eclampsia with Isabelle and to miscarry last summer. So for this pregnancy we get to inject (yes using a needle) the drug Heparin into my legs and belly 2x a day from now until delivery. Tonight was my first dose and Nick got to do the stabbing. First reaction: Ow. Second reaction: OW. Third reaction: ooohh Owww...okay not so bad.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We have a Bun in the Oven!

Sarah: So when can we have another baby?

Nick: When we have a house and are more financially secure (typical).

Sarah: Well then I guess we'll never have another baby! (typical).

Nick: Sarah (sighs), I just think we should wait until the end of the year.

Sarah: (silent treatment)

2 weeks later:

Sarah: Hey Isabelle, go take this stick to daddy.

Nick: (looking at the home pregnancy test) No way! (half excited)

Sarah: (sheepish)

Nick: Are you serious?

Sarah: Isabelle, do you know what this mean? You are going to be a big sister!

Isabelle: I'm a big sister. I have a little sister?

Nick and Sarah: Yep!

Isabelle: I want to name baby sister Alice.

Nick and Sarah: maybe

The end