We started potty training Isabelle about 6 months ago. She did great here and there for about 2 of those months and then she flat out refused to use the big girl potty. This week, she's pottied like it's 1999! Can you imagine if every time we used the restroom we came out shouting and screaming "Yeah! I used the potty!" "That's awesome!" (high five and a big kiss) If everyone was motivated like that in all we did, life would be grand.
Example: Joe works in a factory puting screws in kitchen sinks on an assembly line. One day Joe gets done 2x as many sinks as his neighbor. His boss walk by with his "numbers" for the day jumping up and down causing quite the commotion. "Joe," he says, "You are such a big boy! I can't believe your numbers today! Tonight you can stay up as late as you want! (high five and a hug follows)
Now some might think this a bit extreme or slightly disturbing. But just think how nice and easy our days would be with a little extra motivation to take home with the paycheck.